manifeste ekomorphoz


Pyrénées-Méditerranée is the European region at the front line of climate change. We, the participants and decision-makers in our region, are well aware of the urgency of the situation.

We are already acting, whether in our local authorities, our companies, our associations or our municipalities, to reduce our impact, adapt, preserve our natural harmony, and protect the Living World.

It’s too late to talk about a transition. Our region needs to move up a gear, and launch a structural, deep-rooted, and fast-paced environmental transformation.

To do this, we are coming together around the foundation of our community : the values of cooperation, mutual support and solidarity, strong ties that bind us all in the region. Together, we are carrying the Ekomorphoz project in an effort to jointly understand the complexity and challenges ahead of us, and to build a different future.

Ekomorphoz wants to be this ecosystem, at the European Regional scale, to drive forward new interactions, new ways of working together, pooling our thoughts and actions to produce new ideas and solutions.

At the heart of what we do are our human resources, without which no global, social, economic, environmental, or strategic transformation could be possible.